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Friday, May 20, 2011



Remember that the first cast offers you the best  chance to get that intial strike and result in a nice catch.  Pick your spot, take your time, and do your best to hit the mark that you have picked. When deciding where to put your lure, always put yourself in a spot for the best possible cast.  Stay away from casts that set your lure out and come down from a high angle.You don't want that huge " kerplunk" when it hits the water. Put it in at a low arc and it will enter the water with a soft landing. YOU DO NOT WANT TO SPOOK THE FISH!  There are enough distractions in, around and on the water. No need to add to the confusion. 

You have fished the first group of willows and undercuts and it is time to move up the river. Even if you were successful, don't over fish the area.  Move on, and come back another day!  

Wading up river while looking for the next spot, make sure to fish until you want to stop and concentrate on a particular area.  As you ford the river, your first cast should be UP river from where you stand.  The second cast should be DIRECTLY ACROSS from where you stand.  Your final throw should be somewhat DOWN STREAM.  Repeat this scenario until you hook a fish or until you decide to stop and fish in your next designated area.  

Try it. 

'Til next time.  

Friday, May 13, 2011


You are finally in the river and are ready to start your quest for that beautiful trout you been dreaming about all night long. Whether it be a Rainbow, Brook, or Big Brown, bring it on!!!  Now that you have paused in the river and have your footing, look around and pick your spot for that first cast.

I always look for the overhanging flora, such as a willow bush, that the predator fish may be hiding below.  The fish sit there waiting for anything to fall from the bush that may be tasty, or a smaller fish on the hunt for something to eat as well.  The bush may hang over the water, but underneath it can be cut two or three feet back under the riverbank's edge.  This is where your target will be hiding.  It is your job to draw them out.

Fishing upstream, cast your lure above the target.  Let it float down, getting it as far back under the willow as possible. Here is where you have to really be on your toes. There are roots, sticks, and even rocks under there that can snag your lure.  So be alert. Just before it gets past the willow, start reeling in your lure as fast as you can.  This will stimulate the fish and it will follow the lure. You may want to slow the speed of your retrieval slightly giving the fish time to size up it's prey. Hopefully, you will be yelling "fish on". Try this several times and if there is no reaction, move on to your next spot to try your luck.

We will talk about other spots to fish in the river on follow up blogs.

'Til next time.      

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Softly Step In The River

Now you have arrived at the river.  You have made that first cast  ( as per last tip ) that many fishermen never think about or bother to try. You may or may not have landed the first fish of the day, but it is certainly worth the effort. Now it is time to enter  the river to continue your fishing experience.

Gently step into the river.  This is very important.  Fish can feel the vibrations. With both feet in the river, walk slowly!!  If you are sending out ripples that are over two feet, rethink your pace.  The fish WILL feel your vibrations and they WILL be spooked.  Once this happens, the natural play of your fly or lure will no longer be effective, and you will be forced to move to another spot. Always be in STEALTH mode.

'Til next time